Here is the press release from Mashable (comments in parenthesis, mine):
We’re thrilled to celebrate Mashable’s third annual Social Media Day! We launched the event in 2010 as a way to recognize the digital revolution happening right before our eyes. We invite you to join fellow social media enthusiasts by hosting or attending a Social Media Day Meetup in your area.
Visit our Social Media Day website for resources and more information:
On June 30, the Philippines joins the world, for the very first time, in marking Social Media Day, with a big event planned right at the heart of Makati City. (Similar events are planned all across the archipelago)
Filipino Twitterati, bloggers, advocates, practitioners from media, business, government are expected to grace that day’s celebration of creativity, community and conversation that has pushed individuals, companies and organizations, and the nation many steps forward and ahead of the rest of the world.
The event is being organized by the community of netizens behind TweetUp Manila and the first Twestival Manila, and whose work and passions have brought them together both online and offline.
There is much reason to celebrate social media in the Philippines: its creation of new careers and new opportunities, the awesome efforts to use new tools for helping during and after disasters such as Ondoy and Sendong, the new space for media, politics and expression, citizen journalism and cutting-edge, content-rich multimedia practice, and industry going digital to reach and affect more people whether thru marketing, PR or advertising.
Follow @TweetupMNL for details!
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